UWI singers


The University Singers is an exceptionally skilled choral group. It was established in 1957 from the student body. We seek to represent the cultural diversity, common culture, common heritage and the vast musical talent of the Caribbean.

Noel Dexter is the musical director of the University Singers. The Hon. Rex Nettleford, choreographs the movements which accompany the songs. Nettleford is the founder of the internationally reknowned National Dance Theatre Company of Jamaica. Mr. Dexter and Prof. Rex Netlleford have developed a synthesis of music an staged movements known as 'choral theatre'.

This group has gained much acclaim for itself and the University of the West Indies (UWI). Among the awards are the 1986, 1988 and the 1996 Jamaica Music Industry Awards (JAMI) for folk music; the 1991 JAMI Awards for classical music; the Jamaica Federation of Musicians and the AA Merit Awards for 1988. In 1995 the group received the Vice-chancellor's Award for excellence. They were the only group in the University to have received this prestigious award. In the year 2000, the group received the Gold Musgrave Medal for excellence.

We have become known for our stellar performances in the Caribbean, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. In addition to this we have performed at music festivals, before royalty, visiting Heads of State and at International conferences. In October 2000, the group performed with the renowned German group, the Motet Choir Speyer. This choir specializes in Early European unaccompanied Music such as Motets, as well as Oratorios. This group has successfully toured countries such as Norway (1987), Denmark (1990), and Spain (1997).

There are many plans for this year. The University Singers will be having there yearly concert season. There is an April run as well as a summer run in June 2000. As is customary the group will be performing at all formal functions of the UWI such as the annual Choral Service On November 30, 2000. The group is slated o go on tour in Guyana in December.





©Copyright : The Philip Sherlock Centre for the Creative Arts